

Hello there, I’m Jen…

Founder of Jade Rose Designs, Web Designer, Digital Marketing Strategist, and overall creative arts enthusiast.

(Jade and Rose are my middle names and two beautiful natural elements, that sound quite magical when put together, don’t you think?)

I’m here to help talented and busy creatives build an online presence - one that showcases your unique artistic vision while freeing up your time to focus on what matters most to you: your craft.

I’ve been building websites since the ‘90s

… in a time when typing out loads of code for my satirical boy-band fan page was how I passed my time after school.

That’s when my love of all things internet-related, creative, and quirky blossomed.

And while I went on to pursue careers at art galleries, environmental philosophy, organic agriculture, and science education, I always kept that web design flame within me lit.

I’ve since moved on from roasting boy bands and on to helping artists boost their online image.

(Which, when you think of it, is exactly what I was doing all along when lovingly mocking Justin Timberlake’s ramen noodle hair of the early ‘00s.)